Kotlin vs Scala

July 27, 2022


Programming languages have diversified over the years with options like Kotlin and Scala. Both are advanced programming languages that target the same platforms (JVM and Android) and offer similar constructs. While Kotlin is a new kid on the block, Scala has been around since 2003. In this post, we will compare Kotlin and Scala based on their features, performance, community, and adoption.


Both Kotlin and Scala share some similarities, but they differ in their syntax and features. Kotlin's main focus is on simplicity and aims for easier inter-operability with Java. On the other hand, Scala prioritizes expressiveness and offers advanced features to handle complex business logic more effectively.

Kotlin has a more straightforward syntax and is easy to learn for Java developers. It has a compact size and offers a coroutines library that helps to handle asynchronous programming better than Java. Scala, on the other hand, offers more powerful abstractions and allows for functional programming paradigms. It has a REPL that helps developers to try out code snippets in real-time, and it also provides the 'Scala.js' library that helps build JavaScript applications.


Performance is always a top priority when choosing a programming language. In terms of execution speed, both Kotlin and Scala are comparable to Java as they both compile to Java bytecode. The significant difference lies in their compile time. Scala's compilation takes more time than Kotlin, but it can handle better optimization due to its advanced features.


Community support is crucial for a programming language to grow and be adopted by developers. Kotlin has gained widespread adoption among developers, especially in the Android community. Its community is growing, and it has a strong presence on StackOverflow, with over 15,000 questions asked and over 40,000 tags.

Scala has a more niche community that consists mostly of academics and researchers. However, it has strong support in the financial industry and has been applied in commercial projects. Scala has a large codebase and documentation covering many of its advanced features.


Adoption is essential because it determines how widely the programming language is used. Kotlin has been adopted by companies like Pinterest, Uber, and Netflix, and is projected to be used by more companies in the future. It has over 1.1 million developers on GitHub, and its adoption rate continues to grow.

Scala has been used in several commercial projects, especially in the financial industry. Companies like Twitter, LinkedIn, and The Guardian have used Scala in their production code. Despite its niche community, Scala has a sizable adoption rate, but its growth rate has slowed down compared to Kotlin.


In conclusion, both Kotlin and Scala are powerful programming languages that offer unique capabilities. Their syntax and features differ, but they both excel in their respective areas. While Kotlin is easier to learn and more straightforward in terms of syntax, Scala offers advanced features for handling complex business logic better. As for community and adoption, Kotlin is gaining ground quickly due to its adoption in the Android community, while Scala has a strong presence in the financial industry.


  1. Kotlin vs Scala
  2. Kotlin Vs Scala: Which One is Better for Future Development?
  3. Scala vs Kotlin: Which one to choose for Enterprise Application Development?
  4. Kotlin vs Scala: Which is the Best Programming Language for the JVM?

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